Agenda item

Libraries Review


6.1   The chair welcomed Jayden and Louise to the meeting. As young users of the library services the sub-committee would appreciate their views of the services available for them to use.


6.2  Louise addressed the sub-committee and informed then that she used libraries in the borough and found the staff to be very friendly and helpful compared with libraries outside the borough. She continued by informing members that she used the library and computers on a weekly basis to do research for homework and reading. Louise rated the libraries 7 out of 10.


6.3  Jayden informed members that he mainly used Dulwich library but had used many of the libraries in the borough at one time or another. He attends them at least twice a week to read new books and to study. Jayden rated the libraries 8 out of 10. Jayden responded to a question from a member by stating that as far as he was concerned Dulwich was the best library.


6.4  Jayden stated that most of their friends used libraries regularly for study and homework and felt the libraries were open at good time for young people studying, but felt they could open at 8 a.m. which would be useful before school.


6.5  Both young people stated that John Harvard library had more facilities:-


·  more books both new and old

·  better chairs

·  a lot more computers and dvds

·  separate areas for adults and children


6.6  In response to members’ questions the students reported that they do go to the library directly after school and weekends to do homework and to reserve new books.


6.7  The students informed the sub-committee that the libraries were welcoming and a secure place to study and use the computers.


6.8    The chair with the agreement of the sub-committee thanked Jayden, Louise, Elaine, councillor Veronica Ward, Adrian Whittle and Pam Usher.


6.9  The chair thanked officers for the obvious hard work and consideration had been put into this report and felt it was a well thought out paper.


6.11  The Cabinet member for Culture, Leisure, Sport and Olympics addressed the sub-committee and reported that a huge amount of work had be undertaken and confirmed that the council were starting on the basis that we did not want to close any libraries in the borough.


6.12  Members were informed that there was a need to make savings of £397,000 which had to be achieved by 2014 and residents were consulted on the basis of making savings. The choices were to close libraries or provide shorter opening times.


6.13  The cabinet member highlighted the following important role that the libraries provide for the community:-


·  79% borrowed books

·  55% came to read

·  42% borrowed cds or dvds

·  41% information research

·  21% job hunting

·  16% to attend and take part in activities

·  31% to e-mail

·  31% to study


6.14  Members were informed that the report was completed in two parts, the first based on savings and the second was based on work in progress and will continue to explore other avenues.


6.15  It was reported that consultation had taken place at all community councils which highlighted how much people loved their local library. The survey indicated that nearly 80% of users still go to the library to borrow books. Significantly in many libraries, between 20% and 30% of users visit the library to find job information.


6.16  The availability of IT provides affordable access to expensive information sources and a quiet space to study both of which are very important in Southwark. Children and young people and their families use the libraries extensively after school and at the weekend.


6.17  The sub-committee discussed the use of volunteers to support the work of the library service. Officers reported that they were looking into this area and informed members that CRB checks would be a requirement and training would need to be included in any package proposed and this would come at a cost.


6.18  Members also discussed the following points:-


·  Sharing resources with other boroughs

·  Using council buildings for as many purposes as possible

·  Home library services

·  Fees and charges

·  Working hours (pilot scheme – community management)

·  Packages for older people

·  Statutory uses.


6.19  A member stated it was great news not to close any libraries, the only issue of concern was the early closing time of the Nunhead library. Officers reported that they would consult with schools before any shortened hours.


6.20  In response to a question the officer reported that local businesses have been contacted and officers were still awaiting a response with regards to sponsorship of libraries.


6.21  In response to a members’ question, officers responded that opening hours for smaller libraries will be looked at again next year along with the review of all areas of the library service. Officers will always look at operational costs.


6.22  Officers undertook to look at the volunteering option and understand that Bexley council works with a volunteers scheme. Merton also have a scheme where volunteers run their libraries one day of the week.


6.18  The sub-committee were informed of the following regarding staff employed in the library service :-


·  123 full time staff

·  2 compulsory redundancies

·  1 senior staff

·  4 have retired.


6.19  In response to a question from a member of the sub-committee it was reported that the longest distance between libraries in Southwark was 2 miles.


6.20  It was reported to members that the approved budget for 2011/14 includes savings of £397k from review of libraries budget. This is profiled as £274k in 2012/13 and £123k in 2013/2014. The report recommends the following package of measures to achieve the budget savings:-


a)  Use of volunteers £40,000

b)  Reshaping of opening hours at smaller libraries to offer more days open but with less hours overall. This to be combined with an invitation for community management for the period of reduced hours £80,000

c)  A staff reorganisation of £120,000

d)  Sharing resources with other boroughs £50,000

e)  Sharing space with Housing at Peckham Library and thereby reducing library costs by £57,000

f)  New rental saving of £50,000 from the creation of the new Camberwell Library 


6.21  The chair stated that the library buildings were valued and also required substantial costs in maintenance works,  we all need to find new opportunities to address means of acquiring funding, this item of business needs to be kept under review.



RESOLVED: That the members of Regeneration and Leisure Scrutiny Sub-Committee submit their comments and recommendations to the chair by Friday 14th October 2011 by 12 noon, so that a report can be submitted to the cabinet for their next meeting on Tuesday 18th October 2011.

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