Agenda item

Public Health - prevention investment


9.1  Jin Lin, Public Health consultant , presented the report on investment to prevent health conditions occurring This looked at what Public Health  are spending on investment and what is  are spent on treatment.


9.2  He reported that they have identified some areas where they have been spending upstream; principally smoking cessation, Early Detection and obesity prevention and treatment. He explained that they have a range of practitioners working in Children’s Centres, schools and in doctor’s surgeries. He explained that there is a national health check for people over 40 and this looks for diabetes, high blood pressure and other indicators. Doctors then give patients advice on how to reduce their risk.


9.3  There is work on Mental Health prevention to raise awareness and help people deal with issues effectively. Alongside this there is access to CBT therapy. There is some work on alcohol prevention and early detection, and substance misuse early detection and harm reduction.


9.4  The officer reported that prevention work can be hard to cost as it takes place in many universal services, such as health visitors and GP’s and seeks to prevent a number of related conditions.


9.5  A member commented that working with community groups would help the prevention agenda. The officer agreed and indicted this was happening. Members asked about the effectiveness of the Bowel screening programme and links with Diabetes UK.


9.6  A member mentioned social impact bonds and commented that it may be worth investigating these, given the present budget pressures.


9.7  The officer was asked about the Shadow Budget process, whereby the budget now spent by Southwark NHS is identified and gradually turned over to the council. Officers reported that there had been intensive work on this and a shadow budget will be in place by Christmas. The council will assume more control of this in 2012 and by April 2013 the council will receive the cash directly.


9.8  Members asked if it is anticipated that the council will receive the same amount of money. The officers responded that they are unsure; however the suggestion is that the council will not. Officer commented that statistics show that for every £1 spent on prevention, £11 is saved in treatment. A Member commented that Public Health does need to be incentivised.




Public Health officers undertook to get back to the committee on:


  • The effectiveness and results of the Bowel screening programme


  • Linking up with the Diabetes UK to promote early testing and prevention.


  • The results of the shadow budgeting process for Public Health budgets, as this function moves from Southwark NHS to Southwark Council.



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