Agenda item

Southern Cross


7.1  Jonathan Lillistone, Head of Commissioning Adult Social Care introduced the report on Southern Cross circulated with the papers. He explained we have quite considerable exposure, including some residents placed outside of the Borough. He reported that Southern Cross is now being wound up and new organisations are being formed.


7.2  The chair explained that the committee intend to write a report on this and the focus will be how the council can learn and become more resilient. He asked the officer if it is possible to ascertain the financial health of a provider. The officer explained this is never very easy. He explained that Adult Social Care officers’ focus has been on quality, and he stated that there have been some concerns, as the report outlines.


7.3  A member noted that the new organisation being formed in Southwark; Health Care One will reform the homes and care provision into one package; this was the original business model of Southern Cross. However, could these again be asset striped? The officer explained that as a local authority we have little leverage over that threat, other than taking our business elsewhere. However that could potentially leave the council open to be challenged on why we did not send people to local homes.


7.4  The chair refereed to the CQC report which raises concerns about medicine management. The officer explained that they are doing ongoing work with the home. The committee requested to be kept informed on any embargo on homes.


7.5  Officers were asked about the arrangements for existing staff in the homes and if they would keep their jobs when the new organisations took over control. The officer reported that he understood that from Care Manager and below staff would keep their positions, however the new organisation may well change more senior management. Staff will be protected by TUPE. Members asked to see relevant briefing papers produced at national level.


7.6  A member noted that Southern Cross provide 73% of nursing beds in the borough and commented that the committee should consider how can we promote a diversity of providers so we do not put all our eggs into one basket. The officer responded that the council is seeking to reduce the use of care homes though focusing more on integrated care in people’s homes.


7.7  A member asked how residents at Southern Cross had been communicated with and the officer reported that Southern Cross is leading on this and all families have been written too. Alongside this social workers and front line staff are clear about what they can say. The focus has been on reassurance and continuity of care. The member responded that it would have been good if the council had also written to the residents setting out our position and what we are doing.


7.8  The officer said that this has been a challenging process, and they are now building relationships wit the new providers so that they can help us meet our aspirations to improve care.


7.9  A member asked about sheltered housing and asked for clarification on the age criteria. The officer explained that older people are eligible from 65 plus, and for specialised service for disabled people from 55 plus.





Officers undertook to keep the committee informed on any embargo on Southern Cross homes.


Officers will update members on relevant Health and Social Care briefings provided by Southern Cross and central government.


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