Agenda item

Local parking amendments and car club expansion

Executive Function


To consider the local car parking amendments and car club expansion as set out in the report.


Executive Function


Members considered the information in the report.




1.  That the following local parking amendment, detailed in the appendices to this report, be approved for implementation subject to the outcome of any necessary statutory procedures:


·  Meeting House Lane - Reduce the length of existing “at any time” waiting restrictions (double yellow lines) at the junctions with Springall Street/Montpelier Road and Naylor Road/Carlton Grove


2.  That the shortlist for potential future car club locations set out in table 1 of the report be approved: Geldart Road, Peckham Grove, Sumner Road, Blakes Road and Glengall Road


3.  That three locations from the shortlist be selected (Sumner Road, Geldart Road and Peckham Grove) for implementation during 2012/13


4.  That prior to implementation, each location is subject to local (informal) consultation and the completion of any necessary statutory procedures


Supporting documents: