Agenda item

Cleaner Greener Safer

Michelle Normanly, Senior Project Manager


Tim Walker, from public realm, informed the meeting that the Cleaner, Greener, Safer fund was being launched for 2012/13, the initiative involved residents in projects which shaped the public realm. Projects which had been completed in the Peckham community council area included: window boxes on King’s Grove, Caversham House gardens and a playground at Leyton Square.


Tim advised that forms were available at the meeting for residents to apply; £249,317 was available in the Peckham community council area in 2012/13. The closing date for applications was 6 January 2012.


Tim explained that there was a criteria for applications and they had to be capital projects which did not require a continuous stream of funding. Projects should make the local environment: cleaner, greener or safer, should not contravene council policy and should be completed within a two year timescale.