Agenda item

6 Beauval Road, London SE22 8UQ


Planning application reference number 10-AP-3752




Dormer roof extensions to main rear roofslope and over outrigger, providing additional residential accommodation for dwellinghouse.


The planning officer introduced the report and circulated site plans.  The officer drew members’ attention to the addendum report which contained late comments with regard to the application which included a shadow study submitted by the applicant.


Members asked questions of the planning officer.


A spokesperson for the objectors addressed the meeting and responded to questions from members.


The applicant’s agent addressed the meeting in support of the application.  Members asked questions of the applicant’s agent.


There were no local supporters living within 100 metres of the development site present at the meeting. There were no councillors who wished to speak in their capacity as ward members.




That planning permission be refused for the following reasons:


1.  That the proposed dormer extension given the length and the height would be overbearing to the detriment of the occupiers at no. 4 Beauval Road resulting in a loss of outlook and privacy.


2.  That the use of obscure glazing and fixed or partially fixed shut windows to the proposed room would provide a level of accommodation.  It would also be contrary to Saved Policy 4.2 Quality of residential accommodation of the Southwark Plan and Strategic Policy 13 High environmental standards of the Core Strategy 2011 and the Adopted Residential Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document 2011.

Supporting documents: