Agenda item

Recycling in Camberwell - Veolia Environmental Services

Presentation from Ian McGeough, Veolia Environmental Services to talk about Changes to the refuse and recycling service for kerbside properties. Also to discuss the new recycling facility in the Old Kent Road which opens in  2012.



Ian McGeough from Veolia Environmental Services explained that the food waste pilot was a huge success that they would extend the scheme to other properties in the area.  Residents would shortly receive information and leaflets about food waste.  In addition from October 2011 the recycling team would take tetra packs or juice cartons which previously had not been recyclable.  The team would like to come back to the community council next year to discuss the waste facility in the Old Kent Road.


In response to questions Ian explained there was a 50% success rate for food waste and hoped during the fortnightly recycling collection the success rate would increase.


Ian explained that rolling out the food waste collection to other properties would not incur any added expense to residents.  Residents would be consulted on further changes to the recycling facilities and the collection.


A resident asked a question about the state of Camberwell New Road which in his view looked like a rubbish dump and why Veolia Environmental Services were unable to clean the streets.  Ian explained this was not the responsibility of Veolia but should be down to Southwark’s cleaning contractors.


The chair thanked Ian McGeough for attending the meeting.