Agenda item

East Dulwich Corridor Scheme - Lordship Lane

Members to consider the report on the transport improvements scheme which is to improve pedestrian accessibility particularly around East Dulwich station.




Matt Hill from Public Realm introduced the report. 


The officer informed the community council about the proposed implementation of the Lordship Lane elements of a project called the East Dulwich Corridor Scheme and the total cost of the scheme would be approximately £400,000.


The scheme’s aim would be to improve pedestrian accessibility and key elements of the scheme would be to have a raised pedestrian crossing and new traffic controlled parking to assist movement of traffic along Lordship Lane.


The council consulted over 400 residents and local businesses in the area which received a good response rate.  The main concern was kerbside parking. The scheme proposed two loading bay spaces, six extra car parking spaces and two additional spaces outside Barclays Bank.


The officer responded to a question from Councillor James Barber about horse box spaces behind Dulwich Police Station. He said they would be removed because they had not been in use for years. 


The council would introduce a 30 minute parking scheme that would not levy any charges to people.  Matt explained the proposed works for a pedestrian phasing at the junction of the south circular was agreed two years ago but the work was put on hold because TfL were reviewing their budget which was still within their programme.  The local councillors had lobbied TfL about this in order to ensure the works were carried out as soon as possible.


In response to a question raised by Councillor Toby Eckersley regarding the number of business respondents who were in favour of the scheme, the officer directed members to the officer’s report on page 42 of the agenda.  He outlined that many were in favour of the scheme particularly in light of numerous complaints made to the council regarding parking congestion in the East Dulwich area.


In turn members gave their views stating that signalling crossings were much needed especially outside the Co-operative supermarket.  Also providing car parking bays was very important for town centres but it was equally important to improve facilities for pedestrians.  The footfall problem would help the Lordship lane traders and shoppers.





That Dulwich community council endorsed the proposed design of the East Dulwich Corridor Scheme which should be referred to the relevant cabinet member to make a decision on the scheme based on the three mentioned elements below:


·  Raised table across East Dulwich Grove at the junction with Lordship Lane.


·  Signal controlled ‘puffin’ crossing across Lordship Lane immediately to the south of East Dulwich Grove.


·  Raised signal controlled ‘puffin’ crossing across Lordship Lane outside Co-operative supermarket.

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