Agenda item

30 Seeley Drive, London SE21 8QR


Note: At this point Councillor Andy Simmons sat in the public gallery and did not take part in the debate or decision.


Planning application reference number 10-AP-1007




Change of use of the ground floor from Class A1 retail to Class A5 takeaway, together with the installation of a new shopfront and the erection of ventilation ducting to the rear elevation.


The planning officer introduced the reports and circulated site plans.


The officer drew Members’ attention to the addendum report which contained late comments with regard to both applications.


Members asked questions of the planning officer.  Members noted the late objection that was circulated prior to the meeting.


No objectors were present.


The applicant was not present and no supporters were at the meeting.


Councillor Andy Simmons addressed the meeting in his capacity as ward member

and then left the room.


Members discussed the application.





That planning application 11-AP-1007 be refused on the grounds:


1.  The proposed use of the premises as a hot food takeaway and delivery service by virtue of the nature and level of counter sales compared with delivery would result in high numbers of people coming to the courtyard area around the square later on in the evening when the area was quieter resulting in increased levels of activity through people gathering, noise from people coming and going and potential for increased litter in the area.


2.  As such the proposal would be contrary to Saved Southwark Plan Policy 1.9 Change of use within protected shopping frontages iii) and Policy 3.2 Protection of amenity and Strategic Policy 13 High environmental standards of the Core Strategy 2011.

Supporting documents: