Agenda item

21 Gilkes Crescent, London SE21 7PB


Planning application reference number 11-AP-1040




Proposed ground floor front and rear extensions and associated works including a raised platform to the rear (Use Class C3).


The planning officer introduced the report and circulated site plans.


The officer drew Members’ attention to the addendum report which contained late comments with regard to the application.


Members asked questions of the planning officer.


There were no objectors present.


The applicant addressed the meeting in support of the application.


There were no supporters present.


No members wished to speak in their capacity as ward members.


Members discussed the application.





That planning application 11-AP-1040 be appoved subject to a revised condition 3 as outlined below:


Revised condition 3


The materials to be used in the implementation of this permission shall not be otherwise than as described and specified in the application and on the drawings hereby approved. In addition the glazing detail to the doors of the front extension shall match the original glazing details.



To ensure the use of appropriate materials in the interest of the design and appearance of the building and the visual amenity of the area in accordance with Strategic Policy 12 - Design and Conservation, Strategic Policy 13 - High Environmental Standards of The Core Strategy 2011 and Saved Policies 3.12 'Quality in Design', 3.13 'Urban Design' and 3.16 'Conservation areas' of the  Southwark Plan (2007).

Supporting documents: