Agenda item

Peckham Hill Street Conservation Area


The Design officer presented the two conservation reports together. Members asked questions about the conservation area and raised specific concerns relating to how consultation on proposed conservation areas are conduced. The officer informed the committee that letters are sent to local residents inviting them to request a copy of the appraisal or to view online. The letter also encourages residents to contact officers if they have any questions by phone or email or to attend a public meeting.


Members requested that in future some examples of how the conservation area affects residents be included in letters or leaflets sent out. For example, that a conservation area may limit people’s ability to cut down trees in their garden or install satellite dishes on the frontage of their property. The legal officer undertook to work with the design and conservation team to investigate how information sent to residents could be developed in the future.




  1. That the public consultation on the proposal to designate Peckham Hill Street Conservation area be noted.


  1. That the proposal to designate Peckham Hill Street Conservation Area be supported by the community council

Supporting documents: