Agenda item

Consultation Feedback

Results of the libraries consultation - Adrian Whittle, Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure


Adrian Whittle, Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure, presented the headline results of the consultation about possible changes to the library service. This had been conducted in the light of having to identify £395k of savings. There had been more than 5,000 responses, from questionnaires and from the summer activities conducted with young people who use the libraries. 


In answer to a question, Adrian explained that all comments and questions which had been submitted by consultees, would be fed into the report to cabinet and its recommendations which were due to be heard in October. Councillor Veronica Ward, cabinet member for culture, leisure, sports and the Olympics, said that the savings in libraries would have to be made over two years, and emphasised the importance of libraries, especially for young people and those who relied on them to access IT. She said the council would continue to operate the services as best they could.


The chair thanked Adrian and Councillor Ward for attending.