Agenda item

Community Announcements

·  Cemeteries consultation - Deborah McKenzie, Parks Service Development Officer

·  Waste collection and recycling - Sharon Ellis, Veolia

·  Open spaces research - David Yates 

·  Olympics - Pat Shelly, Head of Youth, Commissioning & IAG

·  Elephant and Castle - Representatives from Lend Lease and St Modwen to report back

·  Black History month – Cllr Seaton



Deborah McKenzie, Parks Service Development Officer, explained that there were three cemeteries in the borough, but that these were rapidly running out of burial space. About 30% of people opted for burial, as opposed to cremation. For this reason, there had been a public consultation running since July on which long-term strategy stakeholders would like the council to adopt. A further consultation event would be held on 24 September 2011 from 1pm to 4pm at Honor Oak recreation ground in Brenchley Gardens. An expert cemetery designer would be on hand to talk about sustainable options. She encouraged people to pick up a questionnaire from her, or to go online to do the survey.


Recycling/Waste management

Sharon Ellis from Veolia introduced the new services rolled out across the borough regarding food waste and recycling. She highlighted that Tetra Packs, too, could be recycled now. In answer to questions from members, Sharon explained that not all properties would be receiving additional wheelie bins, but that it would depend on the size of the property. If residents had been given bins they didn’t require, they should call the council and Veolia would come to take them away. She promised to look into people’s individual cases, if they provided her with their address. 


ACTION: Sharon Ellis to report back where food waste was being composted.


Pilot study on East Street Market

Dave Yates introduced his study explaining that it focused on one street market, and that it was aimed at understanding the importance of public places to people in the area, and the role the market has in community cohesion. The research was funded for another three years, in which time he would be looking at options regarding the interim use of the Heygate estate, new public spaces formed as part if the Elephant and Castle regeneration by Lend Lease, and at a comparison of the role of different street markets across Southwark.


In answer to a question from the floor, Dave responded that the research was funded by the Economic Research Council and that he tried to include all sections of the community.


Olympics / Paralympics

Fitzroy Taylor, Area Youth Manager, spoke to the meeting about what the council was doing to get young people involved in the Olympics. He explained that there were many volunteering opportunities for 16-26 year olds, and some for 14-16 year olds. The programme had been launched on 23 July 2011 and would close on 30 September. There were spaces for 120 volunteers. The young people on the programme would be able to attend a final event, enjoy exciting placement opportunities, develop new skills & knowledge, enhanced their Curriculum Vitae, get a volunteer T-shirt and a £10 high street voucher. The chair encouraged all those in attendance whose organisation had a youth wing to put them in touch with the council about volunteering.


In answer to questions from the floor, Fitzroy responded that volunteering could help young people acquire skills and experience. The programme would help them with their skills portfolio and connect them to various services. It tried to attract those not in employment, education or training (NEETs). All schools were part of the Olympic volunteer network, so the council was mainly trying to recruit those who had already left school. The programme was also designed to be inclusive, so young disabled people were welcome to volunteer, too. In total, 40 young people had signed up.


For further information, please contact: or on 020 7525 1531.


ACTION: Fitzroy Taylor to report back to the next community council meeting about any new developments regarding the programme.


Affordable Housing Strategic Planning Document (SPD)

Barbara-Ann Overwater, Senior Planning Policy Officer, explained that this guidance document followed on from the 2008 document and subsequent ones like the Aylesbury Action Plan and the Core Strategy. The new document incorporated the new guidelines on student accommodation, the minimum of 35% affordable housing on developments with 10 or more units, and payments in lieu of on-site affordable accommodation. The consultation would finish on 30 September 2011.


In answer to questions, Barbara-Ann responded that the council did not have an agreed position on central government’s plans to allow social housing providers to charge 80% of the market rent, but this was being looked at. The SDP may have to be amended later to reflect the council’s position on this. The draft document included maps showing where social housing was located. The stipulations around student accommodation were actionable now, and the rule about payments-in-lieu of £100,000 per habitable room was applicable across the borough. The approach taken to this was robust, and decisions would be taken on a site by site basis.


ACTION: Barbara-Ann Overwater to feedback on the following questions raised:

  • What is the council’s position regarding central government’s plans for “affordable rent”?
  • Does the strategy document recently passed by the GLA override the Southwark document, especially in terms of the conditions for payments in lieu of providing affordable housing on site?
  • Are there any provisions in the document about co-ops and mutual housing providers?


Update from Lend Lease

Rob Deck from Lend Lease told the meeting that the consultation forum was meeting regularly, and was discussing the public realm, retail and the employment, and the community aspects of the redevelopment of the Heygate estate. The next forum meeting would be on 6 October 2011 and another event to discuss the detailed application submitted for the Rodney Road/Balfour Street/Victory Place site was taking place on 7 and 8 October (venues to be confirmed). The consultation hub on the corner of Walworth Road and Amelia Street was now operational and helped Lend Lease to engage more effectively with the local community. A consultation exercise in July with 600 people had yielded 200 written responses outlining people’s issues and concerns. Outreach work which had started in July would continue, and efforts were being made to reach all parts of the community. The hub represented a regular presence and would be opened additional hours on Fridays from 1.00pm to 4.00pm. Further information was available at


In response to questions from the floor, Rob explained it was not possible to circulate every document to community groups, and that the recent environmental assessment papers about asbestos were scoping documents, and full assessments were to follow. He invited people to visit the hub, to raise more specific concerns. Lend Lease were also going to engage with the East Street Market traders, so that the regeneration activity tied in with the market. Support for community groups was also being considered, e.g. use of the hub.


St Modwen/Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre

Tim Seddon, from St Modwen, who have owned and managed the shopping centre since 2002, spoke to the meeting about the future plans for the shopping centre. As the market had changed, these now focussed on refurbishing the existing structure rather than tearing it down. The company was keen to engage with all the stakeholders about the plans for the centre. The aim was to make the centre an 18-hour-a-day resource and to utilise some of the space which is not used at present. There would be additional housing on top of the current structure. This work was scheduled to start by 2015. In response to questions from the floor Tim responded that St Modwen would be liaising with the council about employment opportunities for local people. 


Black History Month

The chair informed the meeting that October was Black History Month, and that a brochure outlining events were available at the back of the room, and on the council’s website at

Supporting documents: