Agenda item

Preliminary Flood (and surface Water) Risk Assessment

A short presentation from officers in Public Realm.  Copies of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment document will be available at the meeting.


Mick Lucas from Public Realm gave a presentation on the flood risk management of the council and reported that there had been a change in legislation since the flood risk report of 2009.


·  The forming of partnerships with other authorities like, Thames Water, Greater London Assembly (GLA), London Councils and Environment Agency.


·  Funding opportunities from Thames Water and other local government agencies.


·  More detailed information on flood risk mapping, flood management plans and a list of works that would be identified by the council.


The council’s website highlights flood maps drainage details and general flooding in the local area.  The flood risk assessment identified a critical drainage area at the junction of Brockwell Park. 


The officer advised that Southwark council were co-operating with Lambeth council on this.  Any solutions to these issues would be debated at a future community council meeting.