Agenda item

Grove Vale First And Second Stage Parking Consultation

Presentation on Grove Vale controlled parking zone (CPZ) Consultation. 


Maps on the controlled parking zones will be available at the meeting.





Matt Hill from Public Realm was present to give an overview of the first and second stage consultation that took place around Grove Vale.


The officer explained that twenty two roads were consulted on the principle of a controlled parking zone in East Dulwich and South Camberwell wards.


The consultation area concentrated on streets around Grove Vale, which were a short walking distance from East Dulwich railway station. The streets were last consulted in 2002 - 2003 as part of a Dulwich wide parking study.


The boundary of Dulwich and Camberwell runs along the centre line of Grove Vale and therefore agreement was sought from both community councils.


All residents, businesses and stakeholders were included in the consultation.  However, any decision to progress a CPZ would only apply on the public highway and not on housing estates or private parking areas.





That members note and approve the report outlining the consultation methods and boundaries for the Grove Vale first and second stage parking consultation.  Members note that a further report would be presented at Dulwich community council meeting on 24 January 2012.  After which it would be taken as a IDM (individual decision making) report in February 2012 and, if approved, statutory consultation should take place in March 2012.


Supporting documents: