Agenda item

Library Review Service - presentation

To discuss feedback on survey and comments on library provision in the Borough. 


The community council would like to receive further input from residents, asking for their ideas and information gathering.





The Library review was presented at Dulwich Community Council by the Head of Culture, Libraries and Leisure, Adrian Whittle and cabinet member, Cllr Veronica Ward who provided feedback on the workshops and online survey that the Council conducted recently.


Adrian mentioned that in June the council announced they would be undertaking a public review of the Library Service during the summer.  Residents were asked to give their views on how to maintain a high quality library service within the context of the council having to make £34m of budget savings in this year’s budget and further savings in the years ahead.


For libraries, a savings target of £397,000 had to be achieved by 2014 and a new model of delivery for the Home Library Service put in place to save a further £150,000 by 2013.  The survey asked about the ways in which people currently use the library service and asked for opinions and preferences for various options that could potentially save money.  Over the summer holidays the council had undertaken consultation with young people about their views on the library service and 264 young people took part.


All of the information that was collected from the consultation exercise had been analysed including some specific feedback from local residents who participated in the consultation at Dulwich, Kingswood and Grove Vale Libraries.


The complete findings of the review would be presented in a formal report to Cabinet on 18 October 2011 to inform the members in their decision making on the future options for libraries.


Key findings of the review


·  Overall the review found that 79% of people in the borough borrow books, job hunt, use the internet or study because there was no quiet space at home.


·  80% of people that use libraries in Dulwich borrow books and less people use the library to job hunt.


·  46% of those surveyed felt that the council should make more use of volunteers and also a number of residents agreed to be volunteers.


·  Free internet access and WiFi access: 30% of those surveyed agreed on a charge for internet use in Dulwich and Kingswood.


·  A large percentage of Kingswood residents suggested libraries should not be shut down but remain open with the hours reduced.


·  Overall residents felt there should be a reduction in the number of small libraries, with less books and DVDs.


Councillor Ward mentioned the review had received a good response as 5,000 people in the borough had responded. The council had received lots of ideas example, how to use volunteers effectively, use of libraries after school hours and reducing the opening hours. Councillor Ward spoke about the new library in Canada Water and the proposal for a new library in Camberwell.


The chair thanked Adrian and Councillor Ward for attending the meeting.