Agenda item

Public Question Time

This is an opportunity for public questions addressed to the chair.


Residents or persons working in the borough may ask questions on any matter in relation to which the council has powers or duties.


Responses may be supplied in writing following the meeting.


There were public questions about:


1.  When the pavement on Elephant Road was going to be reinstated. This was vital, as the current set up was very dangerous to pedestrians.


2.  Why Transport for London (TfL) referred residents back to the council about the bus lane on Heygate Street, while the council said it is TfL’s responsibility. 


3.  Whether the black bag refuse collection in Surrey Square could take place later in the morning. Rubbish should not be allowed to be left outside overnight as this attracted animals which tore open the bags.


4.  Whether the broken lights on the boards in Elephant Road could be fixed urgently.


5.  Whether the zebra crossing in Browning Street should be moved, because of the trees obscuring the line of vision.


6.  When the flooding problem on Walworth Road would be addressed. The chair responded that the works should be completed by the end of November 2011.


7.  Whether anything could be done to stop motorbikes starting up between blocks of flats and disturbing residents.


ACTION: Chair to report back on the pavement issue in Elephant Road (Question 1).


ACTION: Councillor Merrill to report back on the outcome of his member’s enquiry about the crossing in Browning Street (Question 5).


The following public questions were submitted in writing:


8.  How can I get a plot [...] for my burial? Some undertaker thinks it might be ineligible for the long time planning?”


9.  “Why did the government send everyone a Community Council registration form, asking what colour people are and their religion etc?”


10.  “This year we were given forms to make tenants association funding easier. We had our AGM in April, sent in [the] application, continually enquired by phone, email, personal visit. There is a backlog. This is the opinion of associations who I have met. No indication when we will receive any funding.”


11.  A Ray Gunter House resident:”Why did you not let us know about the changes in the rent office by letter?”


12.  A Ray Gunter House resident: “Why have you cut the shelter house so much? We only see the warden [only] on a Friday 9 o’clock to 11 o’clock. We felt left out very bad.” 


13.  “Will the council publish/put on its website, their response to all the documents and scoping reports submitted by Lend Lease and other documents submitted by developers involved in the redevelopment of the Elephant and Castle and the Heygate Estate.”


14.  About the Elephant and Castle shopping centre: “The development is harsh and has very hard lines. It needs softening, greening the roof. Living roofs and [a] more environmentally friendly structure. What are the environmental impacts?”


A further question was submitted in writing which referred to two live planning applications. The question therefore falls out of the remit of public questions at Community Councils, according to Community Council procedure rule 7.3.4e. The points raised in the question have been forwarded to the case officers responsible.

Supporting documents: