Agenda item

21 Gilkes Crescent, London SE21 7BP


Planning application reference number 11-AP-1034




Erection of two dormers at the rear and two rooflights to dwelling house (Use class C3).


The planning officer introduced the report and circulated the site plans. 


There were no questions from Councillors.


The objectors spoke against the application explaining that the plans were incorrect and did not correctly represent the design of the roof, giving a distorted view of the proposal.


Members asked questions concerning the status of the inaccurate plans.


The legal and planning officers advised that approval could not be recommended but  could be deferred for the correct plans to be submitted or refused.


The applicant or the applicant’s agent was not present.


There were no supporters present.


Members discussed the application.




That the planning application be refused on the grounds that the plans as submitted do not accurately reflect the existing roof structure of the property, as such the proposed dormer window on the lower section of roof would be overly dominant and would fail to harmonise with the original dwelling, to the detriment of both the visual amenity of surrounding neighbours and to the character of the Dulwich Village Conservation Area.  As such the proposal is contrary to Saved policies 3.2 Protection of amenity, 3.12 Quality in design, 3.15 Conservation of the historic environment and 3.16 Conservation areas of the Southwark Plan 2007 and Strategic Policy 12 Design and conservation of the Core Strategy 2011 and the Residential Design Standards SPD 2008 and the Dulwich Village Conservation Area Appraisal 2006.




Supporting documents: