Agenda item

Rear of 168 - 190 Friern Road, London SE22 0BA


Planning application reference number 11-AP-0006




Construction of a single family dwelling on basement, ground and first floor levels; access adjacent to 190 Friern Road, 2 parking spaces.


The planning officer introduced the report and circulated the site plans.  The officer also drew Members’ attention to the addendum report which contained late comments with regard to this application.


An objector was present to address the meeting.


The applicant spoke in support of the application and responded to questions from Members.


There were no supporters present.


Cllr Jonathan Mitchell spoke against the application in his capacity as ward councillor.


Members discussed the application.




That planning application be refused on the following grounds:


1.  The proposal, by reason of its height, mass, bulk and detailed design, would fail to respond positively to its surroundings. The inappropriate scale and design of the building would be an incongruous feature within this previously undeveloped backland location and would result in a visually intrusive building out of character with existing pattern of development. As such the proposal is contrary to Saved Policies 3.2 Protection of amenity, 3.12 Quality in design, 3.13 Urban design of the Southwark Plan 2007 and Strategic Policy 11 Open spaces and wildlife, Policy 12 Design and conservation and Policy 13 High environmental standards of the Core Strategy 2011 and the Residential Design Guidance SPD (2008) and the Emerging Dulwich Supplementary Planning Document.


2.  The proposed access to the site is too narrow to afford a safe vehicular route for both cars and pedestrians, resulting in the loss of, or likely damage to, protected trees and the adjoining party wall boundaries. The proximity of the access road to habitable room windows to the existing ground floor flat at 190 Friern Road is considered detrimental to the residential amenity of occupiers of this property. As such the proposal is contrary to Saved policies 3.2 Protection of amenity, Policy 5.2 Transport impacts of the Southwark Plan 2007 and Strategic Policy 2 Sustainable transport and Policy 11 Open spaces and wildlife of the Core Strategy 2011 and the Residential Design Guidance SPD (2008) and the Emerging Dulwich Supplementary Planning Document.






Supporting documents: