Agenda item

Public Question Time

This is an opportunity for public questions addressed to the chair.


Residents or persons working in the borough may ask questions on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties.


Response may be supplied in writing following the meeting.



The following questions were raised at the meeting:



The council’s Hate Crime strategy; I understand this has not gone through

yet why?



A follow up response will be given at the next meeting.



To Camberwell Green ward councillors: The last administration ensured the road sweepers were out in force keeping our streets clean.  This has not happened with the present administration.  Please could you look into this?



The chair said this matter would be looked into and a response given at a future meeting.



Why does the open Camberwell agenda contain 14 blank pages that has ‘document is restricted’?



This occurred in error when the agendas were published.  Officers stated this would not happen again.



Recycling collection: It has been noted that there has been a successful increase with people recycling items based on weekly collections.  Does the council propose to make recycling collections on a fortnightly basis?



Follow up response at a future community council.




Why cannot individual requirements be canvassed before bins are allocated?




Follow up response at a future community council.



Now that the Town Hall is closed would members of the community council consider using the ‘House of Praise’ church as a meeting venue which would be available free of charge? 




This was noted.


Walworth Road was recently repaired of all its cracks and potholes.  Now whenever it rains the same problem seems to be re-occurring?



Councillor Martin Seaton, chair of Walworth Community Council who was in attendance responded by confirming there had been an audit on this and contractors have been employed to deal with the problem. 


Supporting documents: