Agenda item

Overview of economic regeneration in the borough

To be confirmed


7.1  Karen O’Keefe, Head of Economic Development, gave an overview of economic development activities in the borough, which is undertaken in the context of the partnership based Economic Strategy.


7.2  She explained that the Council is a small player in terms of economic development delivery, especially in employment activities. The main organisation working in this area is Jobcentre Plus which is implementing the new Single Work Programme.


7.3  Single Work Programme is operating through a much smaller number of providers than previous “into work” schemes. In Southwark there are only three: Action 4 Employment, SeeTec and Careers Development Group (CDG).


7.4  It is not yet fully clear how the new financial model will operate, but payment will be triggered to providers when individuals go into and stay in a job.


7.5  Issues around young people and youth unemployment were discussed. It is hoped that the new Youth Fund will help facilitate the transition from school into work.


7.6  In addition, Southwark Works provides people with valuable work experience and employment support.


7.7  The unemployment rate for 18-24 year olds is 20%. It was agreed that a breakdown of unemployment figures would be provided for the sub-committee.