Agenda item

Overview of the Leisure portfolio in the borough

Presentation from Adrian Whittle, Head of Leisure

Questions and Answers


6.1  Adrian Whittle, Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure, gave an overview of the work taking place in the leisure portfolio in the borough, including the review of libraries, the leisure investment programme, events programme and the Olympics.


6.2  The Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure explained that the review of libraries is driven by the need to undertake a cost cutting exercise. There is a need to find savings of £397,000 in the library service in addition to the cuts already made with the removal of the mobile library and home library services.


6.3  The review is currently underway and is taking place through questionnaires,11-12 public meetings and slots at Community Council meetings.


6.4  The consultation document is available online.


6.5  Following the consultation phase, analysis will be completed in the middle of August and a report will be going to the Cabinet in November.


6.6  It was agreed that the sub-committee would consider the results of the consultation phase at the next meeting and provide input before the report goes to Cabinet.


6.7  It was suggested that when private sector organisations are using the public libraries as a resource for their students they could be charged for this service.


6.8  The Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure summarised the recent and ongoing investment in leisure centres in the borough.


6.9  The sub-committee discussed the popularity of leisure facilities and the need to make a strong case for continued investment, including increased take-up figures at refurbished centres, at a time when the capital budget of the Council is under immense pressure


6.10  Councillors requested a breakdown of leisure centre users by age group for the next meeting.


6.11  The timescale and for the investment at the new Elephant and Castle leisure centre was discussed. It is expected that the development will take place in 2014, with around £8 million spent on the new centre, which is the same order of expenditure as Camberwell and Dulwich.


6.12  The 7 Islands leisure centre was discussed and councillors suggested exploring the opportunity of bringing the development forward using section 106 resources.


6.13  Members of the sub-committee discussed the issue of displacement between leisure centres as newly refurbished ones are opened. It was reported that the newly refurbished centres have attracted lots of new members.


6.14  The issue of making leisure facilities in schools open to the public was discussed, but there are difficulties with this because if child safeguarding issues.


6.15  The sub-committee discussed the Olympics Capital legacy fund. Applications with a total value of £8 million have been received for the £2 million fund available.


6.16  17 applicants have been selected to develop their bids to the second stage, and the final package selected for support will go to the Cabinet on 18 October.


6.1  Paul Cowell, Events, Film and 2012 Manager explained the role of the Public Services Operations Group to the sub-commitee. The group is planning to ensure that the Council’s services can continue to operate during the Olympics. A written briefing has been provided to all Councillors.