Agenda item

The proposed Traffic Calming and 20 mph speed limits in East Dulwich


This item was not circulated five clear working days of the meeting because of the reasons contained within the report which was that the scheme cannot be considered strategic as it is funded by the Cleaner Greener Safer funding which devolved spending. 


The transport officer was present to introduce the report.  Questions were asked of the officer concerning the statutory consultation, traffic management order, speed limits and the submitted objections which had reference to the noise and vibration.




1.  That the objections received to the statutory notice for the proposed implementation of traffic calming and 20 mph speed limits in East Dulwich were considered and rejected.


2.  That the officers be instructed to make the necessary traffic management order under the relevant powers contained in section 6 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the scheme be implemented without any further delay.


3.  That Dulwich community council noted:


(i)  The majority were in favour of the proposed speed humps in Matham Grove, Chesterfield Grove and Ashbourne Grove.


(ii)  The majority were in favour of a 20 mph speed limit in Matham Grove, Ashbourne Grove, Chesterfield Grove, Bassano Street and Blackwater Street.


(iii)  The majority were in favour of a 20 mph speed limit on roads bounded by Barry Road, Lordship Lane and Whately Road as outlined in the report.


(iv)  That the road works would commence within three weeks of the decision being implementable. 


Supporting documents: