Agenda item

Peckham and Nunhead Area Action Plan

Alison Squires, Planning Policy Team Leader

Feedback on the consultation/discussion at the previous community council meeting.


Alison Squires, planning policy team leader explained that the area action plan was a 15 year plan which sought to build on the existing improvements in the Peckham area. The policy set in the plan would have to be followed by developers in the future. She advised that the plan was in draft form and the council was heading towards a preferred option. Officers had attended the previous Peckham community council meeting on 12 July 2011 to get specific views  on: housing employment and retail. The consultation period on the current draft would end on 30 September 2011.


The document was available on the website and Alison encouraged people to comment through the formal consultation process, officers could be contacted via phone or email to help people have their say.


It was expected that a further draft would be prepared in early 2012 when officers would come back to the community council and the final consultation stage would be in October 2012.