Agenda item

Parking spaces in front of 1-6 John Maurice Close, London SE17 1PY


Planning application reference number 10-AP-3760





The erection of a three storey semi detached building comprising 2 x 3 bedroom residential units against the gable wall of 7 John Maurice Close, with associated waste and cycle storage.


The planning officer presented the application drawing members’ attention to theaddendum report which had been circulated. Members asked questions of the planning officer, and the transport and conservation officers.


The objectors spoke against the application. Councillors asked questions of the objectors.


The applicant’s agent spoke in favour of the application. Councillors asked questions of the applicant and the applicant’s agent.


No local supporters were present, and no councillors wished to speak in their capacity as ward member.


Councillors discussed the application, and asked for the minutes to reflect that they had a discussion about the maintenance issues around the bathroom window in the lightwell, and were advised that conditions around this could not be enforced.





That planning permission for application number 10-AP-3760 be granted as set out in the report and the addendum report including


  • An amended condition 7:


Prior to the commencement of development a sample brickwork panel (a minimum of 1m² in area) including samples of the brickwork and pointing, as well as a sample window frame, including the finish to be used, in the carrying out of this permission shall be presented on site and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority; the development shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with any such approval given.



In order to ensure that the facing materials match those on the adjoining building and make an acceptable contextual response in terms of materials to be used, and achieve a quality of design and detailing in accordance with Strategic Policy 12 'Design and Conservation' of the Core Strategy 2011, and saved Policies: 3.12 Quality in Design and 3.13 Urban Design of the Southwark Plan 2007.


  • An additional condition to protect neighbouring occupiers from impacts associated with construction works:


The development shall not commence until details of a Construction Management Plan (CMP) has been submitted to, and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The CMP shall oblige the applicant, or developer and its contractor to use all best endeavours to minimise disturbances including but not limited to access, noise, vibration, dust, smoke and plant emissions emanating from the site during demolition and construction. All demolition and construction work shall be undertaken in strict accordance with the approved management scheme and code of practice, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.



To ensure that and occupiers of neighbouring premises do not suffer a loss of amenity by reason of pollution and nuisance in accordance with Strategic Policy 13 'High Environmental Standards' of the Core Strategy 2011 and saved Policies 3.1 ‘Environmental Effects’ and 3.2 ‘Protection of Amenity’ of the Southwark Plan 2007.


  • An additional condition:


"The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced before the developer has submitted to the Council and the Council has approved a detailed scheme for security lighting, and the installation, operation and maintenance of gates to the access along the northern side of the site which shall include proposals for a right of access and ingress for adjoining properties [at flats within 7 John Maurice Close] and which shall be managed by the developer.  The development shall not be carried out or used otherwise than in accordance with the approved detailed scheme."



“In the interests of the amenities of adjoining occupiers and in the interests of crime prevention and in order to comply with Strategic Policy 13 High Environmental Standards of the Core Strategy (2011) and saved policies 3.2 Protection of amenity and 3.14 Designing out Crime of the Southwark Plan (2007)


  • An additional condition:


"The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced unless the developer has first granted for the benefit of owners or occupiers of adjoining properties (the flats at No. 7 John Maurice Close) legally binding rights of access along the side access on the northern side of the site and provided to the Council certified documentary evidence of such rights having been granted."



“In the interests of the amenities of adjoining occupiers and in order to comply with Strategic Policy 13 `High Environmental Standards’ of the Core Strategy (2011) and saved policy 3.2 `Protection of Amenity’ of the Southwark Plan (2007).


  • An additional condition:


“There shall be no ventilation of bathrooms or kitchens at any time from the two new houses hereby permitted into the lightwell adjacent to No. 7 John Maurice Close.”



In the interests of the amenities of these neighbouring occupiers and in order to accord with Strategic Policy 13 `High Environmental Standards’ of the Core Strategy (2011) and saved policy 3.2 'Protection of Amenity' of the Southwark Plan (2007).

Supporting documents: