Agenda item

Work programme


7.1  The chair referred to the work programme and said he was looking forward to starting part 2 of the scrutiny review into support for parents, following on from the review into School Admissions. The chair reported that he had visited the Parents’ Carers Council and he would like to invite them to a meeting so that the committee could discuss support for parents & carers of disabled children.  Members also suggested consulting a BME group that works with children with autism, and it was agree they should also be  invited.


7.2  The chair went on to talk about a scheme initiated by CSV (Community Service Volunteers) which matches volunteers with families and children on protection plans to give practical advice and support. Information about this had been circulated to the committee last year,  and with the papers for this meeting. Rory Patterson reported that Southwark is now engaged with CVS to develop a scheme in partnership with Southwark Council.


7.3  One of the education representatives asked if there was a role description for this as she thought that a number of parents who use Children’s Centres could be excellent volunteers for this scheme. Officers responded that this is in development.  The chair requested information and a presentation on this scheme at the next meeting.


7.4  It was noted that Adult Education undertook to report back to the committee in the autumn.


7.5  The committee agreed that combining the cabinet member interview with the quarterly visit by Southwark Youth Council and Speaker box would be the best use of time.


7.6  January will once again be used as an opportunity to look at Safeguarding and the independent chair will be invited.


7.7  Members discussed the planned review into universal free school meals. It was decided that officers will be invited in October and asked to present on progress so far and indicate when they understand evidence on outcomes will be available. Members commented that we need to think about the possibility of children having a healthy school meal and then going out to eat an unhealthy fast food meal after school. Members though it was important to engage and influence  parents.


7.8  Members asked officers why certain year groups had been selected to be the first to received universal free school meals. Officers explained this is because they are rolling out the programme. Members commented that they would like to do comparative studies with schools who have not received this programme in order to measure the outcomes.


7.9  Members went on to discuss the impact of Clinical Commissioning on children’s health services, such as school nurses. A joint meeting with the Health and Adult Social Care scrutiny committee was muted, however it was agreed that members concerns would be sent to the Chair of this committee.


7.10  An education representative noted central government’s recent decisions on Early Years provision. He stated that these will have a big impact on preschool and other Early Year’s providers. He commented that a written question to the cabinet lead may help address concerns.


7.11  The chair recommended that the committee continue to keep an eye on the proposed free school at Rotherhithe. He stated that there is an issue of accountability as there is no direct link to the local authority.


7.1  Sharon Donno reported that her commitment as Chair of Southwark Headteachers Executive has now ended and Mr Nick Tildesley will be taking up this role from September. The Chair and committee thanked Sharon for all her hard work and valuable contribution to the committee.




Review of parenting support – part 2: support for parents


  • Invite CSV (Community Service Volunteers) to present on their scheme matching volunteers with families and children on protection plans to give practical advice and support
  • Invite Southwark Parent Carers Council to the next meeting
  • Seek out and invite other organisations led by  parents /carers of disabled children and invite them to attend / give evidence to the scrutiny committee
  • Invite parent/cares of disabled children to give evidence on the parenting support theme


Consider new partnership arrangements between public health, children’s services, education and the new GP consortiums

Members noted that education school budgets are currently being used to pay for health care and the new partnership arrangements between public health, children’s services, education and the new clinical commissioning consortiums need to be aware of this.  Members will feed into a review on clinical commissioning being done by the Health and Adult Social Care scrutiny committee and the above comment will be sent to the chair.


Children and Young Peoples Plan with Southwark Youth Council – quarterly &

Cabinet member interview

The quarterly review of the Children and Young Peoples Plan with Southwark Youth Council & Speakerbox will be done in conjunction with the Cabinet lead member’s interview.


The impact of services changes on the Youth service will be considered.

A written question will be submitted on the impact of services changes on the Youth service


Early Years

A written question will be submitted on the impact of recent changes on Early Years and preschools.


Rotherhithe School

A watching brief will be kept on Rotherhithe School and the possible free school.


Adult Education will be asked for an update following on from the 11 April meeting.


Safeguarding in January



Supporting documents: