Agenda item

Community safety updates

Presentation from the Safer Neighbourhoods Teams.


Sgt Turnbull provided an update on staffing in the safer neighbourhood teams:


He announced that Sgt Jeff Jenkinson, previously at Village safer neighbourhood team had now moved to Livesey safer neighbourhood team.  Also as part of a cost cutting exercise, one sergeant would be responsible for East Dulwich and Village safer neighbourhood teams.  However both teams would remain separate and work within their identified shift patterns.


The Sergeant reported on the following:


East Dulwich ward priorities:


There was a massive rise in residential burglary, with 22 reported burglaries in the last 8 weeks  The properties affected were of similar constructions with mortise locks and single occupancy.  The individual had been caught and happened to be an experienced burglar who was released on licence.  The Sergeant said people should be vigilant.


Drug offences and criminal damage have been reduced however due to the recent riots in London crime disorder went up.


Village ward priorities:


There had been a rise in burglary but overall crime was significantly down.  However, people were told to be aware of fraudulent practices taking place in the local area. 


An 81 year old was targeted recently where a person posed as a courier after arriving at the lady’s home, gave false details knowing that the person was vulnerable she handed over her credit card details with the PIN to the bogus caller.  People were told to be on their guard.


Sgt Turnbull mentioned that East Dulwich Police Station had a reprieve of two years. He agreed to keep people updated on the issue.


Another priority was tackling stairwell disorder with youth congregation and anti social behaviour.  The Cleaner Greener, Safer funding awarded to the team had been used to prevent congregation and stairwell disorder.  The neighbourhood watch scheme had been in place and the team encouraged new members to come forward.


The Sergeant took questions from the audience about bike theft and statistics on burglary. 


The response was that bike theft had gone down slightly but any recovered bicycles were likely to be sold off by the Police.  Although there were database links which should ensure they were returned to their rightful owner.  Overall statistics suggest the figures are still low even with the spate of burglaries in the area.


A further question was asked about the re-location of services within the Police Station.  The Sergeant responded by saying nothing had been decided about the services within the Police Station. 


Sgt Warran submitted his apologies to the meeting.  The College ward priorities remain unchanged.