Agenda item

Community announcements and presentations

There will be announcements on the following:


·  Cemeteries consultation – Borough wide.


·  Democracy commission second phase, review of community councils.


·  Local Implementation Plan – local transport schemes for the area.


·  Cleaner Greener Safer Scheme, programme funding 2012 – 2021.


·  Veolia Environmental Services, there will also be an information stall on changes to the refuse and recycling service for kerbside properties and to announce the opening of the new recycling facility at the Old Kent Road in 2012.




Cemeteries consultation


Deborah McKenzie, from the Parks section was present to talk about the borough wide consultation on cemeteries.  The borough’s three main cemeteries were now full or near to capacity.  Therefore the council need to develop a long term plan which involved looking at a range of options to acquiring land outside the borough or using the existing plot of the burial sites.  The council’s website details all eight options for the future of cemeteries.  A number of sessions and workshops took place including a public consultation on 24 September 2011 at Honor Oak Recreation Grounds. 


For more information email, or visit the website and choose topic community and living and search ‘future of Southwark’s cemeteries’.


Local Implementation Plan


Barbara Selby from Transport Planning was present to explain that the council would draw up a list of suggested local transport schemes to Transport for London (TfL). 


As such the council would like residents to submit their views about the schemes in their area.  Barbara explained that the visibility study for the Paxton Green scheme should be completed in 3 years.  Officers have alternated the timetable of the Paxton Green roundabout.  The plan would be to have an introductory exhibition for residents on what Paxton Green should look like.  Further schemes would be introduced in 2013.  The chair explained that the officer would be available at the break to speak to people about any of the transport schemes.


An announcement on a new capital budget of £1.88 million for transport schemes borough wide was made at the meeting.  Further details on this would be given at a future community council meeting.


Veolia Environmental Services


Ian McGeough, Outreach Officer from Veolia Environmental Services was present  and available at the break and announced some major changes to the refuse and recycling service for kerbside properties.  The food waste pilot scheme in the borough had been so successful it was being rolled out to other properties and tetra packs are now recyclable. 


Proposed event in Dulwich Park


Paul Cowell from the Events team was present to explain that there was an events programme scheduled to take place in the south of the borough.  The event was meant to be one of three events running this year focussing on north, middle and south of the borough.


The North (Bermondsey Festival), middle (Elephant and Nun) and South (The Colour Thief) scheduled for 4 November 2011.  Paul mentioned that it would involve a number of schools and include theatrical lighting event.


Questions from councillors were asked about whether there had been adequate consultation with local people about the event.  Paul mentioned The Friends of Dulwich Park were notified and local Schools were contacted on how they could get involved.  Some residents felt this type of event with 5,000 or more people attending could have an ecological effect on the park.  Another concern was the cost estimated at £55,000 when other sponsored events in the borough were cancelled.  It appeared that the local ward councillors were unaware of the event.





Dulwich Community Council recommends officers speedily consult all stakeholders and ward councillors about the planned event and more information should be made available on the format.


Sgt Turnbull asked if the Police could be included in the consultation.


Community Conversations


The chair, Cllr Lewis Robinson announced at the meeting that members and local community’s thanks be recorded to the local Police who were called upon to deal with the riots and disturbances that were witnessed recently. People were asked to note the Community Conversation held on Saturday 24 September 2011, 10am to 3.00pm at Dog Kennel Hill, outside Sainsbury’s in East Dulwich.


Southwark Legal Advice Network


Sarah Rose from Southwark Legal Advice Network announced two events that took place in the borough.  The first event on 26 September 2011 was a drop in providing and offering legal advice for the over 50s to help improve their housing options.  The second event on 23 October 2011 also provided advice on housing options to families with a disabled child.