Agenda item

Deputation requests

The chair to advise on any deputations or petitions.


·  To hear a deputation from the South Southwark Business Association (SSBA) about the proposed crossings on Lordship Lane, London SE22, its impact on parking, loss of local business, and the need in relation to public safety. 





That the deputation requests be heard from representatives of the South Southwark Business Association and Southwark Living Streets.


Deputation - South Southwark Business Association


The deputation spokesperson, Rodney Franklin from South Southwark Business Association addressed the meeting about the proposed crossings on Lordship Lane, London SE22 and its impact on parking, loss of local business, in relation to public safety.


The spokesperson mentioned that there were an array of local shops and businesses in the area many of which were independent so there was no need for a crossing although they accepted it would be beneficial for shoppers particularly Goose Green and East Dulwich Grove residents. The spokesperson added that no detail on the number of accidents in the area was known by the council.


He asked Transport for London (TfL) for this information which had not been forthcoming.  He explained that if there was no accident data then the analysis does not add up and the introduced crossing on Lordship Lane would affect local businesses.


A question was asked of the deputation about the urgent need for a crossing along Lordship Lane especially as the present crossings were so far apart from each other that shoppers literally go out into the road to cross to the other side.


The spokesperson said the council could consider other parking options.


Deputation - Southwark Living Streets


The deputation spokesperson, Alastair Hanton, vice chair of Southwark Living Streets addressed the meeting and mentioned the audit which took place a few years ago by Living Streets which involved local residents and businesses from both sides of Lordship Lane. 


The key proposals which arose out of the audit was to make it a safer and more friendly environment and improve the competitiveness of the area.  There are a number of traders that were carbon neutral customers so the loss of car parking spaces would not be that detrimental.  Alastair concluded his deputation by stating Southwark Living Streets endorsed the council’s proposals.


The chair thanked both representatives for their deputations.


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