Agenda item

Lucas Gardens and Southampton Way - consultation report and appendices

To note the first and second stage parking consultation results.


Tim Walker from the transport team presented this item.


The officer outlined that he wanted to talk about the results and draft recommendations of two recent parking studies that were carried out in Southampton Way and Lucas Gardens area.  These consultations were to seek the views of the community on the principle of a controlled parking zone which is sometimes referred to as the residents parking scheme. 


Tim explained the Council were seeking the views of the community council on the draft recommendations prior to a strategic decision that is due to be taken by the cabinet member for environment, transport and recycling in August 2011.  Should the recommendations be approved the schemes would be subject to statutory consultation to make a traffic management order and implementation would occur in early autumn.


Other key points include:


Policy – the council are committed to effective management of its road network and regularisation of parking to ensure kerb site parking is allocated fairly.


Cycle and bus routes are kept clear; this includes road safety measures being introduced such as pedestrian crossings and allocated parking spaces for blue badge holders to assist those with limited mobility.


CPZs are commonly used across the UK to deal with the ever increasing demand for parking on the roads which is why priority is given to certain users for example resident parking would be given a higher priority to commuter parking.


In the East Camberwell area there was clear support for controlled parking zone in April 2009.  The suggestion was to also to monitor parking in surrounding streets of the new zone.  During this time a number of complaints and a petition were received asking for a CPZ consultation to be carried out.


The consultation for Lucas Gardens and Southampton Way took place during December 2010 – January 2011.  Street notices were put up and three public exhibitions were held – two in Peckham Town Hall and one in Elimington TRA Hall.  A questionnaire was provided for people to submit their responses to the Council.




Lucas Gardens 642 people were consulted, 56% were in favour, 35% were against and 9% were undecided about the hours of operation: Mon to Fri 8:30am until 6:30pm with 28% in favour of 10am until 2pm limited controlled parking.


Southampton Way 662 people were consulted 54% majority were against controlled parking with a 15% response rate.


Tim Walker took questions from residents and Councillors at the meeting.


Members agreed to Cllr Wingfield suggested amendments to recommendation 5 and a further recommendation 6 given below.







That Camberwell community council:


1.  Note that the report presented to the community council for consultation purposes and the final decision is delegated to the cabinet member.


2.  Note the draft recommendations to the cabinet member below and the comments given to those recommendations are included in the final report to the cabinet member.

Recommendations (For Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Recycling)

That the cabinet member for environment, transport and recycling:


1.  The results of the combined 1st and 2nd stage study on two proposed Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ) in the Lucas Gardens and Southampton Way areas be noted.


2.  That Camberwell and Walworth community council’s comments are noted and any final representations made in relation to the draft of this report should be inserted.


3.  Approves the implementation of a CPZ in the Lucas Gardens area subject to statutory consultation.


1.  Approves the extension of East Camberwell (EC) CPZ to include northern section of Southampton Way (Wells Way to New Church Street), Parkhouse Street, Cottage Green and Wells Way (Parkhouse Street to St George’s Way) subject to statutory consultation.


2.  Approves the implementation of a CPZ in Coleman Road, Rainbow Street, Dowlas Road, Bonsor Street or the southern section of Southampton Way (south of Wells Way) subject to statutory consultation.


3.  That Camberwell community council call upon the cabinet member to find the appropriate funding to introduce a traffic management order under experimental measures.




Supporting documents: