Agenda item

137 Trafalgar Street, London, SE17 2TP


Planning application reference number 11-AP-2258





Demolition of rear extensions and erection of two storey rear extension (ground and basement levels) and erection of roof extension, with roof terrace to front in connection with change of use of existing Public House (A4 use class) into residential accommodation comprising: 6 residential units (2x. one bedroom flats and 4x. two bedrooms flats). Installation of cycle storage, refuse bin storage and other associated landscaping work.


The planning officer presented the application drawing members’ attention to the

addendum report which had been circulated. Members asked questions of the planning officer.


The objectors’ representative spoke against the application. Councillors asked questions of the objectors’ representative.


The applicant spoke in favour of the application. Councillors asked questions of the applicant and the applicant’s agent.



At this point, the chair adjourned the meeting for a three minute comfort break.



A supporter who lived within 100 metres of the application spoke in support of it. Councillors asked questions of the supporter.


No councillors wished to speak in their capacity as ward member.


Members discussed the application.



At this point, the chair adjourned the meeting for 5 minutes. 



Members continued discussing the application.




That the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 5, Access to Information Procedure rules of the Constitution.


Members discussed the application in closed session for 10 minutes, and then resolved to readmit the public.




That planning permission for application number 11-AP-2258 be refused on the grounds that it is contrary to the following policies in the Southwark Plan:


·  1.10 – relating to small scale shops and services outside the town and local centres and protected shopping frontages

·  3.12 – relating to quality in design – due to its insufficient room sizes

·  3.15 – relating to the conservation of the historic environment

·  3.18 – relating to setting of listed buildings, conservation areas and world heritage sites


and that it is contrary the standards laid down in the Aylesbury Action Plan.  

Supporting documents: