Agenda item

Public Question Time

This is an opportunity for public questions addressed to the chair.


Residents or persons working in the borough may ask questions on any matter in relation to which the Council has powers or duties.


Response may be supplied in writing following the meeting.



The following public questions were raised at the meeting:


Q1: Problem with parked cars along Vestry Road and neighbouring streets – there are many people who park their cars in these streets do not actually live there.  This causes real problems for residents who do live there and are unable to park outside their homes.  When is the Council going to impose parking restrictions in the area?


A1: The chair announced there was an item next on the agenda which might help address some of the problems highlighted around Lucas Gardens.


Q2: Why should the whole of Burgess Park being closed for a year due to the regeneration work that is taking place.  Wouldn’t it be better to close one half of the park for works to be done and then complete the other half later so that there is still public access to the park?


A2: A follow up response would be given at the next meeting.


Q3: When community councils were first set up there was a view that they could comment on planning matters even if it was out of their scope to make a decision about the planning process, this community council should be able to comment on the planning processes.


A3: The chair explained that this had been dealt with at the start of the meeting under deputations and petitions.


Q4: What action is the Council taking to deal with those who use blue badges (disabled badges) illegally in cars?


A4: A follow up response would be given at the next meeting.


Q5: I saw in the forum 5 letter there was a commission for some public paintings of  electrical boxes which I understand has now been cancelled and there wouldn’t be  any further funding for these commissions.  I wanted to know why that was?


A5: A follow up response would be given at the next meeting.

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