Agenda item


To consider the following motions on the theme submitted by members of the council:


·  Carbon neutral council by 2020


·  Environment


·  Making Southwark a cycling borough.



(See pages 5 - 6  of the main agenda)


The meeting agreed to suspend council assembly procedure rule 1.14 (4 ) to allow for a single debate on the motion and the amendment.  The meeting consented to a change in the mover and seconder of the motion.


Councillor James Barber, seconded by Councillor Paul Noblet, moved the motion.


Councillor Dan Garfield, seconded by Councillor Darren Merrill, moved Amendment A.


Following debate (Councillors Lisa Rajan, Lewis Robinson, Fiona Colley, Graham Neale, Peter John, Nick Dolezal and Mark Gettleson), Amendment A was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Following debate (Councillors Anood Al-Samerai and Barry Hargrove), the substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That council assembly believes that even in times of austerity protecting our natural environment is one of the most important issues for the borough and must remain a key priority for the council.


2.  That council assembly believes this is recognised by all political parties and so calls on councillors to work together to suggest innovative ways for the council and Southwark residents to tackle carbon emissions and protect our natural environment.


3.  That council assembly notes that the majority of emissions from transport in Southwark are from road vehicles and welcomes the council’s transport plan which aims to reduce the impact of transport on air quality by encouraging sustainable travel choices within the borough.


4.  That council assembly believes that the council should set an example in energy efficiency and welcomes the fact that it has delivered on its promiseto reduce carbon emissions in council buildings by 8.5%.


5.  That council assembly welcomes the introduction of food waste recycling to all street-based properties in the borough and notes the impact this is already having in areas involved in the scheme where recycling has increased to 51%.


6.  That council assembly calls on members to consider these issues and discuss:


·  How the council can encourage more sustainable travel, especially safe cycling and walking

·  How the council can promote energy efficiency, not just in buildings owned by the council, but in all properties

·  Given the huge reductions in the council’s budget this year and in the coming years, how the council can protect the public realm, Southwark’s parks and green spaces.


7.  That council assembly notes the stated aim of the coalition government to be the “greenest government ever” and calls on members to consider how Southwark can use government funding to support green investment and green jobs in our borough.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.



(See pages 6 - 7 of the main agenda)


As Amendment A to Motion 1 was agreed Motion 2 fell.



(See page 7 of the main agenda)


The time allocated for the themed debate having expired, Motion 3 and Amendment B were formally noted having not been moved and seconded at the meeting.

Supporting documents: