Agenda item

Deputation Requests

Deputation requests have been received from the following groups:


  • Save Your Riverside – on the proposed use of Chambers Wharf
  • John Donne Primary School – on energy efficiency and sustainability in public buildings
  • Transition Town Peckham
  • StreetLeaders
  • City of London School – on recycling and energy saving in schools
  • Southwark Association of Street Traders.


The deputation requests are listed in full in the report.  The meeting rules state that no more than three deputations shall be considered at any one meeting.  However the meeting can decide to suspend this rule in order to hear more or vary the order. 


(See pages 59 – 62 of supplemental agenda 1)


The deputations are listed in the order taken at the meeting.


Deputation from John Donne Primary School


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from John Donne Primary School.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Andrea Fender, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Barrie Hargrove, cabinet member for transport, environment and recycling who provided an oral response.


Councillors Fiona Colley, Geoffrey Thornton, Catherine McDonald and Rowenna Davis asked questions of the deputation.


Deputation from City of London Academy


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from the City of London Academy.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Michael Ginzo, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Barrie Hargrove, cabinet member for transport, environment and recycling who provided an oral response.


Councillors Rosie Shimell, Mark Glover and Graham Neale asked questions of the deputation.


Deputation from Transition Town Peckham


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from Transition Town Peckham.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Paula Orr, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Barrie Hargrove, cabinet member for transport, environment and recycling who provided an oral response.


Councillors Neil Coyle, Geoffrey Thornton and Fiona Colley asked questions of the deputation.


Deputation from StreetLeaders


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from StreetLeaders.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, John Gorsuch, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Barrie Hargrove, cabinet member for transport, environment and recycling who provided an oral response.


Councillors Veronica Ward and David Noakes asked questions of the deputation.


Deputation from Save Your Riverside


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from Save Your Riverside.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Dr Rita Cruise O’Brien, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Peter John, leader of the council, who provided an oral response.


Councillors Paul Noblet and Anood Al-Samerai asked questions of the deputation.


Following questions to the deputation the meeting debated the motion on Save Chambers Wharf (see item 4.2: Motion 3).


Southwark Association of Street Traders


The meeting decided due to time constraints to not hear the deputation from Southwark Association of Street Traders, who had been advised that their deputation was more suited for consideration by the cabinet.

Supporting documents: