Agenda item

Disclosure of interests and dispensations

Members to declare any personal interests and dispensation in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.


Item 2.3 - Deputation Requests – Save Your Riverside


Councillor Eliza Mann declared a personal and non prejudicial interest in this item as she lives in the local area.


Councillor Mark Glover declared a personal and non prejudicial interest in this item as a member of his staff had been consulted on the campaign but no renumeration was involved.


Councillor Peter John declared a personal and non prejudicial interests in this item as he is a school governor at Riverside Primary school which is adjacent to the Chambers Wharf site.


Councillor Wilma Nelson declared a personal and non prejudicial in this item as she lives near King’s Stairs Gardens.


Item 2.3 - Deputation Requests – City of London Academy


Councillor Andy Simmons declared a personal and non prejudicial, interest in this item as he does voluntary work in the homeless day centre.


Item 4.2: Motion – Changes to NHS Southwark.


Councillor Andy Simmons declared a personal and non prejudicial interest in this item as he has several NHS contracts.