Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the mayor deems urgent

In special circumstances an item of business may be added to an agenda within seven working days of the meeting.


There were no late items.


With the meeting’s consent the Mayor announced that she intended to vary the order in which the deputations were considered as there were children and young people involved in two of the deputations.  Following questions from the public the meeting would consider the deputations from John Donne Primary school and the City of London Academy followed by the deputations from Transition Town Peckham and StreetLeaders.  The deputation from Save Your Riverside would then be considered, followed by the motion on Save Chambers Wharf.


The Mayor stated that following consultation with the political group whips and due to time constraints the meeting would not consider the deputation from Southwark Association of Street Traders; they had been advised that their deputation was more suitable for consideration by the cabinet.  She also advised that item 5.1 – Badminton House, would be taken at the end of the meeting just in case the meeting needed to go into closed session.


This was agreed by the meeting, which agreed to suspend the relevant procedure rules.