Agenda item

Treasury management - mid year update 2011/12

Council assembly is asked to consider the treasury management mid year report on operational activity.


(See pages 22-31 of the main agenda and lilac paper circulated at the meeting)


This report was considered after the guillotine had fallen, therefore in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.12(3) & (4), the report was afforded up to a maximum of 15 minutes.


There were two questions on the report, the answers to which were circulated on lilac paper at the meeting.  Two supplementary questions were asked of the cabinet member for finance, resources and community safety.  The questions and responses are attached as Appendix 5 to the minutes.


The recommendations contained within the report were put to the vote and declared to be carried.




That the 2011/12 treasury management mid-year update be noted.

Supporting documents: