Agenda item


To consider motions on the theme submitted by members of the council:



(See pages 9-11 of the main agenda)


Councillor Paul Noblet, seconded by Councillor Michael Bukola, moved Motion 1.


Councillor Gavin Edwards, seconded by Councillor Cleo Soanes, moved Amendment A.


Following debate (Councillors Peter John, Anood Al-Samerai, Toby Eckersley, Ian, Wingfield, Nick Stanton, Helen Morrissey, Poddy Clark, Stephen Govier, Patrick Diamond and Adele Morris), Amendment A was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That council assembly believes Southwark faces immense challenges in relation to its housing stock over the next 30 years that can only be resolved by taking a long-term, strategic approach.


2.  That council assembly notes that Southwark Council still owns 31% of Southwark’s housing stock (down from 70% in 1981) – around 40,000 homes. Despite this reduction in local authority control, there are nearly 17,000 people on the council’s waiting list.


3.  That council assembly believes that decent housing – where communities are mixed – is key to securing a better future for our young people, developing stable and vibrant communities, tackling crime and anti-social behaviour and improving public health.


4.  That council assembly notes the immediate challenge faced on estates with high investment needs including Abbeyfield Estate, Four Squares Estate and Hawkstone low rise and calls for dialogue between council and tenants and leaseholders to continue.


5.  That council assembly notes the uncertainty many tenants and leaseholders faced under the last housing investment programme, and welcomes the new £326 million, five year programme which will ensure every council home is warm, dry and safe by 2015/16.


6.  That council assembly also welcomes the review of leaseholder charges to ensure Southwark has an accurate, fair and transparent system of charging leaseholders for the services they receive.


7.  That council assembly notes the focus of the debate as outlined to all councillors in advance:


·  How do we balance the increasing demand for the council to supply housing with the need to maintain existing stock and with the limited geographical and financial resources available?

·  The proportion of housing stock in the private rented sector has ballooned in the last 30 years to a point where the numbers of private rented, privately owned and council homes are roughly equal.  How do we ensure tenants rights and responsibilities are guaranteed in a sector over which the council has less control?

·  What role can other social landlords play in helping to ensure we deliver the housing which Southwark needs?


8.  That council assembly welcomes the council’s decision to set up an independent housing commission to investigate these issues outlined above and calls on members and residents to contribute their views.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.



(See pages 9-11 of the main agenda)


The time allocated for the themed debate having expired, Motion 2 and its amendments were formally noted having not been moved and seconded at the meeting.

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