Agenda item

Deputation Requests

Deputation requests have been received from the following groups:


  • Leathermarket Joint Management Board


  • Lollipop Campaign/Safe Routes to School


  • 23rd Camberwell (St Giles) Scout Group


  • Southwark Trades Union Council


The deadline for deputations is Midnight, Wednesday 23 November 2011.  Deputation requests can be emailed to


(See pages 2-4 of the main agenda)


The deputations are listed in the order taken at the meeting.


Deputation from the 23rd Camberwell Scouts (St Giles) Scout Group


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from the 23rd Camberwell Scouts (St Giles) Scout Group.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Daniel Hosier, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Peter John, leader of the council, who provided an oral response.


Councillors Peter John, Mark Williams and Anood Al-Samerai asked questions of the deputation.


Deputation from Lollipop Campaign/Safe Routes to School


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from the Lollipop campaign/safe routes to school.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Celia Robertson, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Peter John, leader of the council, who provided an oral response


Councillors Robin Crookshank Hilton, Lewis Robinson and Andy Simmons asked questions of the deputation.


At the close of questions to the deputation Councillor Michael Mitchell, seconded by Councillor James Barber, moved that in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.6 the order of business be varied so that item 4.2. (Motion 1: Retention of school crossing patrols in Dulwich) could be considered at this juncture.


The procedural motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The meeting then debated the motion on the retention of school crossing patrols in Dulwich (see item 4.2: Motion 1).


Deputation from Leathermarket Joint Management Board


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from the Leathermarket joint management board.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, John Paul Maytum, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Ian Wingfield, deputy leader of the council and cabinet member for housing management, who provided an oral response


Councillors Claire Hickson, Tim McNally and Fiona Colley asked questions of the deputation.


Deputation from Southwark Trades Union Council.


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from the Southwark Trade Union Council.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Sue Plain, addressed the meeting.


The deputation asked a question of Councillor Richard Livingstone, cabinet member for finance, resources and community safety, who provided an oral response


Councillors Helen Morrissey, David Noakes and Patrick Diamond asked questions of the deputation.

Supporting documents: