Agenda item

Disclosure of Members' interests and dispensations

Members are asked to declare any interest or dispensation and the nature of that interest or dispensation which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.


The following member declared an interest in relation to the agenda items below:


Item 6.1 – Land to the rear of 168 - 190 Friern Road, London SE22 0BA application number 11-AP-006 and


Item 7, Tree Preservation Order 397: 160 - 192 Friern Rd and to the rear of 153 - 163 Barry Road, London SE22


Councillor Jonathan Mitchell, personal and non-prejudicial, as he wished to address the meeting in his capacity as a ward councillor.


Councillor Jonathan Mithcell remained seated in the public gallery for items 6.2 and 6.3.