Agenda item

Public Question Time

This is an opportunity for public questions to be addressed to the chair.


Residents or persons working in the borough may ask questions on any matter in relation to which the council has powers or duties.


Responses may be supplied in writing following the meeting.


Prior to public question time the chair asked Sgt Jeff Jenkinson from Livesey Safer Neighbourhoods Team to give an update. He explained that he had recently joined the team and following the backlog of issues following the disturbances the team were now focused on ward issues.


The chair explained that a full response had not yet been provided on the jobcentre issue raised at the previous meeting but that jobcentre Peckham had been invited to attend the next community council meeting in January to address the issues previously raised.


Residents raised concerns about potholes on Peckham Hill Street as the road had recently been resurfaced and then dug up again by utility companies. Residents asked if utility companies were required to reinstate the road and whether there were penalties for not completing the work.


Action: officers to provide a written response at the next meeting


Concerns were also raised relating to parking on Peckham Square, near the post office which was meant to be an emergency exit.


Action: officers to provide a written response to the next meeting.


A resident asked about the closure of Camberwell jobcentre and whether the council or councillors had made representations to government.

Councillors responded that Cllr Colley had taken up the issue as relevant cabinet member and had written directly to the job centre expressing concerns about the proposed closure.

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