Agenda item

Election of the Mayor

Note: Following the conclusion of this item there will be a five minute adjournment.


The clerk stated that following the sad news that the Mayor of Southwark, Councillor Tayo Situ, had passed away there was no chair for the first section of the meeting.  Therefore in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 4.2(a) the clerk called for nominations to chair the first part of the annual meeting. 


Councillor Peter John, seconded by Councillor Anood Al-Samerai, moved that Councillor Jeff Hook be appointed chair for the first part of the annual meeting.




That Councillor Jeff Hook be appointed chair for the first part of the annual meeting.


Councillors Peter John, Anood All-Samerai, Lewis Robinson and Norma Gibbes paid tribute to the late Mayor, Councillor Tayo Situ.  There was also a tribute from his son, Councillor Michael Situ.


The Chair invited the meeting to stand for a minute’s silence for former Mayor, Councillor Tayo Situ.


The Chair asked for nominations for Mayor for the ensuing municipal year 2011/12.


Councillor Peter John, seconded by Councillor Anood Al-Samerai, moved that Councillor Lorraine Lauder be elected Mayor of the London Borough of Southwark for the municipal year 2011/12.


The nomination was put to the vote and it was:




That Councillor Lorraine Lauder be elected Mayor for the 2011/12 municipal year.


Councillor Lorraine Lauder accepted the office of Mayor.  The chair declared that Councillor Lorraine Lauder was duly elected Mayor of Southwark for 2011/12.  Thereafter the chair announced that the meeting would stand adjourned to allow the Mayor-elect to be robed.  The Chair, followed by the Mayor-elect, were escorted to the Mayoral chamber by the mace bearer.


Upon the their return the Chair, Councillor Jeff Hook, invested the Mayor-elect, Councillor Lorraine Lauder, with the badge of office.  The new Mayor signed the declaration of acceptance of office and took the chair.  The new Mayor stated that her consort would be her son, John Lauder.


The Mayor appointed Councillor Althea Smith as Deputy Mayor and announced that her consort would be her daughter, Serena Dyett.  The Deputy Mayor was invested with the badge of office.


Councillor Michael Situ accepted replicas of the Mayoral badge of the London Borough of Southwark on behalf of his parents.


As part of the new Mayor’s acceptance speech she stated that her chosen charities would be the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society and the People Care Association.  Her spiritual adviser for the year is the Rev Canon Grahame Shaw of St. Paul Church, Newington.


At 7.45pm the meeting adjourned for a short refreshment break.  At 8.05 pm the meeting reconvened.