Agenda item

Draper House, Elephant and Castle, London, SE1 6SX


Planning application 11-AP-0195



Erection of an externally illuminated sign on the northern elevation of Draper House for a temporary period during refurbishment works.


The planning officer presented the application drawing members’ attention to the addendum which had been circulated.


Members asked questions of the officer.


There were no objectors present.


The applicant was not present.


No local supporters were present and no councillor wished to speak in their capacity as ward member.


Members discussed the application.




That application 11-AP-0195 be refused on the grounds that the scale, nature and proximity of the proposal to the Tabernacle building has a detrimental visual impact on the setting of the listed tabernacle building, which is a significant heritage asset, contrary to policies 3.18 and 3,23 of the Southwark Plan, SP12 of the Core Strategy and 4B11 and 4B12 of the London Plan.

Supporting documents: