Agenda item

Peckham Town Centre

The draft Peckham & Nunhead Area Action Plan (PNAPP) is enclosed. This version will go to the cabinet on 17 May.


7.1  The chair reported that the visit to Brixton to look at Lambeth Council’s Town Centre management strategy had been excellent. The chair commended the appointment of a dedicated Town Centre manager and reported that this had been a very important appointment, adding that this was a senior rather than junior role. It was agreed that a similar appointment be recommended to the cabinet for Peckham, alongside a brief report on the visit and any further recommendations as a result of tonight’s discussions.


7.2  Eileen Conn, Peckham Town Centre Forum, was invited to present (the slides are attached to the minutes). She commented that Peckham has tremendous assets, in particular transport links and historic assets. She reported that Cleaner, Greener, Safer money has enabled the partial refurbishment of Peckham Station and showed a slide of the refurbished station old waiting room.


7.3  She requested that officers work together in a more joined up way to improve the public realm and support residents though a partnership to enable their vision for Peckham to be realised.


7.4  Residents commented that coordination would be a very good role for a Town Centre manager to undertake and the chair agreed, and said that he would be happy to include that as a recommendation for the role of Town Centre manager.


7.5   The chair commented that the recent focus of the committee had been looking at leveraging in investment and this was key to regenerating Peckham. The Head of Planning and Transport commented that the draft Peckham and Nunhead Area Action Plan (PNAPP), circulated with the papers, was focused on developing a vision rather than driving it forward. He explained that the plan looks at an investment strategy, for example through planning, but there might need to be more clarity on how this could be achieved. It was agreed that that there needs to be a strategy document that outlines how the PNAPP will be realised.


7.6  It was noted by the chair that there is a need to do something different, as despite a high level of engagement by local residents and the community, as well as significant investment over the years, this has not yielded major change.


7.7  A member noted that that there are issues around services in Peckham not being good enough, however local members have been very active and this has been effective. The member wondered whether the quality of services is different in Peckham than Dulwich. He queried whether this should be the focus of an area manager’s work or should their focus be on regeneration of the area. He urged residents to bring issues to the Community Council for resolution.


7.8  Residents emphasised the importance of partnership working and improvement to services in Peckham now rather than Peckham future. Members thanked Peckham Residents’ Network for their energy and contribution.






7.9  It was resolved that a Town Centre management appointment for Peckham be  recommended to the relevant cabinet member, with a recommendation that this be a senior post focused on delivering the PNAPP and  strategic regeneration; while promoting partnership and joined up working. This will be supported by a brief report summarising learning gleaned from the visit to look at the regeneration of Brixton Town Centre.


Supporting documents: