Agenda item

James Allen's Girls School, 144 East Dulwich Grove, London, SE22 8TE


Planning application reference number 10-AP-1510




Erection of 3-storey plus basement building to provide community music centre for use by school and local community (Use Class D1).


The planning officer introduced the report and circulated the site plans. The officer also drew Members’ attention to the addendum report which contained legal information and alterations to the conditions in regard to this application.


Councillors asked questions of the planning officer.


The objectors that were present addressed the meeting.


The applicant and applicant’s agent made representations at the meeting and responded to Members’ questions.


There were no supporters present.


Councillor Robin Crookshank Hilton addressed the meeting as a ward councillor.


Members discussed the application and asked questions of the transport officer present at the meeting.





That planning permission for application 10-AP-1510 be granted subject to the  conditions and those amended conditions set out below:

Condition 7. The building hereby permitted shall not be open other than to staff and pupils outside of the hours 07:30-22:00 Monday to Friday, 07:30 to 22:00 Saturdays and 12:00 - 22:00 on Sundays or Public Holidays.

Condition 10. Prior to the commencement of development a parking strategy for all staff parking, which shall include staff being allocated specific spaces in which to park by marshalls on a daily basis and micro car parking bays, shall be submitted to etc.

Condition 11. An additional bullet point to read:

A travel plan for all construction workers and all construction traffic including car use shall be contained within the site.

Condition 14. The windows to the East Dulwich Grove elevation shall not be used for the display of advertisements or other displays and shall remain transparent and free from any obstruction at all times. (as per addendum)

Condition 22. Notwithstanding the submitted event management plan a further document shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for its written approval prior to the commencement of works on site. which shall include details of the following:

  1. The endeavours made to coordinate timetables and school calendars with Alleyns and the Charter Schools to ensure events at this development and Alleyns perfoming arts centre and The Charter School, likely to attract upward of 300 visitors at both schools are not held simultaneously.
  2. A strategy to engage and liaise with local residents and provide a point of contact for any complaints arising from the use of the proposed building and an undertaking to carry out that strategy and no later than six months after its implementation identify appropriate action to take to address any complaints received.
  3. A system of Marshalling to prevent unnecessary on street parking and maximise use of the on site parking spaces (including those used by JAGS sports centre), to be employed when the development hosts an event controlled by tickets, or for which upward of 300 people might be reasonably anticipated to attend.
  4. Details of amendments to the School travel plan to incorporate this development, to include the promotion of cycling facilities public transport and car sharing

Condition 23. No more than 4 major events shall take place within one calendar year, (a major event, is considered to be not ancillary to the existing school, (D1 use) as operated by the occupying school and consisting of an audience of 400 people outside of normal school hours, (Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm).


Supporting documents: