Agenda item

The Future of Day Care Services.


9.1  Members discussed the consultation and the ways in which Southwark might do things differently whilst meeting its statutory duties.  How might Southwark plan its policies to ensure the development of new ideas and innovation.


9.2  Members expressed concerned that such a long contract had been signed with ‘Anchor Care.’  This had meant that the borough was now tied into a service provider which may not be the best value for money and whose care services may not be providing the most suitable level of service in step with current thinking.  Members wanted to know what lessons could be learned from this to avoid similar mistakes in the future.


9.3  Susanna White said that the department had done what it felt was right for Southwark at the time.  In hindsight it may not have been the best policy to sign up with an outside provider for such a long period, however, lessons had been learned and she was keen to allay fears that a similar situation would arise again in the future. 


9.4  Members were informed that there was an adequate strategy in place for adult social care services but implementation of that strategy was difficult because money has been taken away.  Care spending processes are complicated.  Those in social housing used to get council care, however the current situation is that Southwark has fixed costs for those needing social services.  The average care home might cost between £446 - £540 per week per person.  This cost might possibly too much.  Officers confirmed that Southwark is only half way through its 25 year contract with Anchor Care.  It was noted, however, that the benchmarking with other boroughs is competitive.  The contracts incorporate good practice and being tied in means there is a secure supply of service. 


9.5  The issue that currently faces Southwark is how Southwark rises to the challenge of delivering services differently whilst meeting and planning people’s needs adequately.  


9.6  Councillor Noakes said that we need innovation when designing services but we mustn’t assume that innovation and good services don’t already exist.  That the voluntary sector also plays a part in care service provision and the pathways between voluntary sector providers and the council should be explored further.  Links between the two should be strengthened, ensuring good value and good quality services across the sectors. 


9.7  Members felt that Southwark didn’t need to be changing its day care drastically but should be more flexible in how it delivers it.  Southwark has lots of small centres dotted about the borough that could be utilised more for instance. 


9.8  Families in extreme isolation should not be forgotten.  Services such as the police, care visitors, GP’s, neighbours and the fire service should all be keeping a look out for vulnerable people who may need help and grant funding must be looked into to indentify what match funding might be available. 


9.9  Southwark will be developing a web site with information available about all care services it provides.  It will also be developing a service directory and ensuring that there is a central point for information for those who are in need of care and their carers. 

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