Agenda item

Public Access Review, The Met Police

The Public Access Review – presentation from Superintendent Cheryl Burden, Southwark Police.


Superintendent Cheryl Burden, Southwark Police was present to speak about the partnership schemes she is involved in and referred to the Met Police website that was running a survey up until 27 May 2011.


The survey is part of a consultation process which is not about front line services but about counter services and individual police stations.  This information has been conveyed to the safer neighbourhood teams and police surgeries.  Super. Cheryl Burden mentioned that it was important to seek the views of the public before it goes through the London Mayor and Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA).  Those present at the meeting were asked for views on this issue and handouts were also available for people to take with them.


There is a core service commitment to ensure counter services in Southwark Police Stations each have a 24/7 service which is fully equipped and has access for those with disabilities or those whose first language is not English.  It is important they are well maintained for people attending the station particularly for those who prefer to report certain types of offences face-face.


At the end of the presentation Super. Cheryl Burden responded to questions about Camberwell Police Station being resourced by volunteers which should be the same for counter services.  The response was that the volunteers coordinators group go through a vetting process which could create long delays.


Super. Cheryl Burden reiterated that the Review was not about closing down East Dulwich Police Station or any other Police Station in the Borough but reviewing counter services.


Further questions were asked and comments made cross borough policing and accessibility by public transport. This was in reference to College ward which meets the five Boroughs.  The Southwark Borough Commander is identifying these specific needs as well as the 24/7 operation.. Super Cheryl Burden stated that based on the demographics of the area, a change of hours is one example of looking at the provision.  Residents raised concern about the counter service and whether it would be based on the number of crimes reported and if it was, it would not meet the criteria because the Police stations are closed at 10pm and the counter service criteria of 12 visitors during an 8 hour period needs to be revisited.


Residents also highlighted the importance of counter services at Police Stations because the community needs somewhere to go instead relaying solely on technology.  It appears that the public are having less and less access to the Police.


Superintendent Cheryl Burden again, referred people to the Met Police website: to complete the questionnaire and copies were available at the meeting.


The chair thanked the Superintendent for her presentation and for responding to questions.