Agenda item

Announcements from the mayor, members of the executive or chief executive


The Mayor announced three recent bereavements:


·    Former Transport and General Workers' Union chief Jack Jones, passed away in a care home in Peckham, on April 21 2009

·    Colonel Michael Lowe, former Deputy Lieutenant for Southwark, passed away on April 29 2009

·    John O’Grady, Leader of the Council from 1968 until 1982, passed away on the 8 April 2009.  He was elected to the council to represent Dockyard Ward in 1965.  He became an Honorary Alderman in 2005.


Tributes were paid by Councillors Nick Stanton, Peter John and Toby Eckersley.  Thereafter one minute’s silence was held.


The meeting sent its congratulations to Councillor Helen Jardine-Brown on the recent birth of her daughter.