Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the chair deems urgent

In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting.


GPs Drug and Alcohol Training


2.1  There was concern that Southwark had very low levels of GPs achieving more than level 2 in their drug and alcohol training.  It was reported to the sub-committee that only 8 GPs out of 250 had achieved this level despite assurances that GPs would be required to undertake training as a result of the cuts in services at Marina House.


2.2  The sub-committee hoped that the new Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Sub-Committee membership would take up this issue in the new municipal year.


2.3  The chair felt that a possible avenue of enquiry would be to contact the police authority to find out if there were any decreases in drug and alcohol problems in areas where there was better access to treatment services for drug and alcohol problems but also for those presenting with mental health issues.