Agenda item

Appointment of Independent Members to Standards Committee


The Mayor stated that there was a closed report on the agenda that related to this item.  He informed the meeting that he intended to consider the open and closed item together in the closed session as the closed report named specific individuals.  The Mayor moved the motion to exclude the press and public which was seconded.  The motion having been agreed the press and public were requested to leave the meeting.


The following motion was moved, seconded and approved:


“That under the access to information procedure rules of the Southwark constitution, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 10.4 of the procedure rules.”


The Mayor stated that in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.15 (2), the recommendations set out in the report were deemed to have been moved and were subject to amendment only. He explained that no amendments had been received on the report. The recommendations in the report were put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The following is a summary of the decision taken in the closed section of the meeting.


The meeting agreed to appoint two individuals as independent voting members of the standards committee, subject to CRB checks and confirmation of the commencement date of the term of office by the strategic director of communities, law and governance.


The meeting closed at 10.40 pm.








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